
Recycle Your Old Gold Into Something You Love

A friendly reminder/PSA, since these messages can sometimes get lost in the fray: Talisman will take your old scrap gold - family baubles that don’t fit your taste (or quite literally don’t fit), that necklace your ex gave you, etc etc - and turn it into something you love. Many jewelers can’t offer this because it’s actually not as simple a process as you’d think. Simply melting down antique gold jewelry can lead to brittle and unstable castings. However, I am lucky to have a connection to a very kind refiner who will take our little bits of 10k, 14k and 18k gold and give us the same gold back, refined and ready to reuse. This is important to many of my customers, who wish to retain the energy of the original heirloom piece. I, for one, am a big believer that gold retains the energy of the wearer within it - it is, after all, one of the best conducting elements we know of. So why not recycle that gold that’s sitting in your jewelry box, and turn it into a piece you will wear every day again?

Happy New Year and a Tiny Sneak Peek

The sky at Boyce Thompson Arboretum outside of Phoenix, AZ. Taken December 2023. A sign of shapes to come?

Well friends, this new year did not exactly start off with the bang I was expecting. First it was 2 weeks of Covid starting NYE, then it was getting trapped in the mountains for 5 days due to avalanches shutting down all outgoing roads, and then even a day of jury duty on top of it… it seems the universe has been telling (forcing?) me something, and I have no option but to acquiesce. So we’re getting a bit of a late start over here, but - as I am oftentimes wont to say - the journey is not always linear. Which funny enough, was a theme that repeatedly seemed to come up in my new SS24 sketches that I began working on this December. The spiral - a symbol of growth, the journey of life, and also a representation of the sacred geometry that underlies nature - is a favorite of mine, and found its way into my work once again. That, along with themes of death and rebirth, abound. So I’ll give you a little sneak peek of what I’ve been working on, now that I’m finally (hopefully?) back at my bench once again. There will still be some surprises, though, to be sure. Stay tuned as these hand-sculpted wax models turn into solid gold…

The Growth Necklace, in process as a wax carving. Originally inspired by some small shell remnants I found in Florida last year (thanks Jill!).

A wedding band to symbolize the journey and growth of two souls intertwined - unofficially called Danielle’s Band.

Beginnings of the Christ Consciousness Necklace. Who better to represent the concept of rebirth than the man Jesus himself?

Zoe’s Heart Necklace. This one was personal - for my beloved dog Zoe who passed away last August. To be worn as a reminder that those you love will always be in your heart, and to have a little piece of their love with you.

Ouroboros Ring. Need I say more?

Sneak Peek at Fall/Winter 2023

July and August are the months in which I’m busy dreaming up new designs to be unveiled in the fall. What begins as a sketch, and then a wax carving, slowly morphs into solid gold. You’ll have to use your imagination to picture these rough models as the final product in glistening 14k, but I still thought it might be fun to give my clients a little sneak peek into what I’ve been working on. This is by no means a comprehensive group… there are a few more tricks up my sleeve that will be released when they’re ready, for the record.

The Conjunct Cigar Band and Conjunct Ring are designed to pair together, but can just as easily be worn separately. I’m absolutely in love with them… it took a bit of trial and error to get the asymmetry and leaning angles just right.

This season I found myself increasingly called to create more streamlined, simple shapes that felt like the daily essentials that the collection was missing. Really, I was just getting back to the core of what Talisman Fine Jewelry is all about - everyday heirloom jewelry that still feels sacred and sculptural. Ok, maybe with a wilder piece or two mixed in, because I’m still an artist and I have to express myself as such. Scroll on for a taste of what’s to come.

More views of the Conjunct Cigar Band and Conjunct Ring in wax, before casting into solid, recycled 14k gold.

The conjunction of the Conjunct Cigar Band and Conjunct Ring, hehe

A very pudgy Delphi Ear Cuff. I imagined this as something the Oracle of Delphi would wear while she divinates for her patrons.

Soon to be a hoop… a pair for the Helix Ring.

This piece is artful and a little wild, called the Central Sun Ring… it’s a piece that’s been a long time coming, swimming in my head as a possibility for a year or more. She pairs with the Central Sun Earrings.

Almost finished… these are the Orbit Collar and the Orbit Bracelet, getting ready for final polishing. They’re truly everyday, heirloom pieces. Add charms if you desire, or just wear them alone for a minimalist statement in solid 14k gold. The hooks click shut when you put them on - a sound that I find to be very satisfying.

On Amulets and Talismans

Model Aleah Hyvonen wears the Michael Amulet Necklace, along with the Ra Signet Ring, Rollo Band, and Portal Bracelet. Photo by Chiara Garland.

I often get asked what on earth an amulet or a talisman is, let alone a sigil, so I figured it was high time I hopped on the blog and talked a little more about the woo-woo side of what I do. Don’t let my abstract, modernist sensibility fool you, Talisman is indeed called Talisman for a reason. I use this collection as a means of bridging my art and spiritual practice, in order to create a means of earning a living. Pretty neat, if you ask me.

In the simplest terms, an amulet is “an ornament or piece of jewelry believed to give protection against evil, danger or disease.” The term amulet or talisman can be used fairly interchangeably, as a talisman is considered “a small, portable object or piece of jewelry thought to possess spiritual or magical powers to protect, heal, or even harm individuals for whom they’re made.” In essence, they’re (usually) good luck charms. To be more specific, though, amulets and talismans are pieces of jewelry that can be imbued with a specific energy or intention by the maker, in order to achieve a specific goal for the wearer. Here is where I come in…

Model Sunshine Fox holds several Talisman pieces, including the Phoenix Amulet Necklace and the Protective Eye Y Necklace. Photo by Kristen Hatgi Sink.

Take for example, the Michael Amulet Necklace: this piece is made to carry the vibration of Archangel Michael, who is a protective guardian against evil for those who believe. Underneath the molten, abstract surface of this medallion, I’ve inscribed a symbol that is widely regarded as a magical sigil invoking Michael. What’s a sigil, you ask? A sigil is a written or drawn symbol that is considered to have magical power - often connected to the energy of a specific deity or spirit, though it also can be intuitively drawn as a symbolic representation of the magic practitioner’s own desired outcome. Whew, that got wordy! Long story short, I use sigil magic in my own spiritual practice, and many of Talisman’s pieces have secret sigils inscribed on them in order to bring you healing, protection, good luck, or other specific positive energies. The Michael Amulet and Phoenix Amulet are among those.

The the thing is, with these two pieces as well as the rest of the collection, my magic isn’t always obvious. That’s because I come from a background of melding two somewhat opposite worlds - fashion and spirituality. I’m a bridge person, residing at the threshold to connect people between those worlds. Fashion witch, if you will. With a love of modern art, and a background working in fashion for almost 20 years, though, I’m much more of a minimalist, abstract kind of girl. I want my pieces to be wearable and stand out as art objects, on their own. That’s why the magic behind them may not be so in-your-face to some. But trust me, it’s there.

Close up of the Michael Amulet Necklace and Solomon’s Seal Necklace. Photo by Chiara Garland.

Even for Talisman’s pieces that don’t have specific sigil inscriptions, like the Michael or Phoenix Amulets, or something so obvious as the Solomon’s Seal Necklace (which is a very powerful magical symbol that even predates its use in Judaica), magic and intention is always a part of my process. Before I even sit down at the bench, I begin each day with a meditation and channeling practice, along with some yoga movement and qigong to get my energy flowing. I focus a lot on my hands, and when I work on each piece, they’re usually vibrating with the energy that I am imbuing into the jewelry. Furthermore, when I work on custom pieces, I always have that end user’s needs and energy in mind as I’m working, so as to energetically charge that piece of jewelry with it.

Last but not least, I have an altar in my studio (Yes, I’m that woo guys. Are we really surprised at this point? Probably not LOL). This particular atar, if you care to know, is dedicated to Goddess energy, as embodied by deities such as Aphrodite, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and a few others. That’s because those are some of my personal deities that I work with in my spiritual practice. So I set pieces on the altar for a time before they get shipped out to you, in order to receive some last blessings and cleansing.

So hopefully that gives some clarity for any of you who were a little unclear about just what an amulet, talisman or sigil is. And therefore probably not totally sure what I do, beyond making pretty jewelry. But hey, that’s a-ok if that’s all you think I do too ;)

Speaking to Intention and the Woo-Woo Side of Talisman

Recently it occurred to me that, despite putting a lot of time into intention and blessing with all of the pieces I make, I don’t actually talk about this part of my process a whole lot. I might be a fashion girl, but my woo-woo side is a big part of my existence too - and therefore a big part of Talisman.

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